About Us

About Glenview
Glenview Preschool is located in the beautiful town of Maghera. We are close to all local primary schools, who we have a great connection with!
Glenview Preschool was set up as a Charitable organisation in 1989, and has grown significantly since then!
We are a well resourced, attractive and stimulating learning environment for Children of Preschool age, with a spacious area for reading, water based play, little shop for role play , floor play and much much more!
We also have a beautiful outdoor setting for the children, which includes climbing frame, slide and safe outdoor playing area.
Our aims
• To provide a safe and caring environment in which children can develop respect, for themselves and others, confidence, self-esteem and independence.
• To provide experiences, which extend children’s abilities to communicate and which enhance their physical, social, creative and emotional development.
• To provide experiences inside and outside the playroom, which extends children’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder, let them experience success and develop positive attitudes to learning.
• To provide a broad, challenging curriculum within which each has the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills, values and attitudes.
• To develop and maintain our partnership with parents.

Our policies
At Glenview Pre-School Centre we believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without the fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else.
We believe that the personal safety of our children is of paramount importance. In line with legal requirements all our staff are fully vetted through Criminal Records procedures.
We would ask you not to send your child to the preschool centre if they are sick. In your parent information booklet you will find more details regarding the period in which they should be kept form the setting.
If at any time you have any concerns about your child or are unhappy with the preschool centre for any reason we hope you will discuss them with the leader. However if for any reason this is unsatisfactory please contact either the social worker or early years representative.
A full copy of our policies are available from staff or on our notice board. We would ask that you take the time to read these as they are very important.
The Preschool Curriculum
We aim to provide a stimulating, challenging learning environment for your child. The content of your child’s learning experiences will relate to the six areas of the curriculum.
1. Personal, Social & Emotional Development
2. Language Development
3. Physical Development
4. The Arts
5. Early Experiences in Mathematics
6. The World Around Us

Types of play your child will engage in:
Types of play your child will engage in:
• Water
• Sand
• Dough / Clay
• Paint
• Junk Art
• ‘Writing’ & Drawing
• Imaginative Play
• Jigsaws and Games
• Indoor and Outdoor Physical Play
• Quiet Play (Tapes, headphones, books etc)
Through all these types of play the Pre-School staff aim to develop children’s:
• Self-esteem
• Independence
• Construction Play
• Small World
• Language Development
• Mathematical Awareness
• Scientific Awareness
• Physical Development
• Awareness of the World Around Them
• Curiosity
• Interest & Motivation
• Creativity & Imagination